Live 2008

Straight from Amsterdam we were heading to Bochum catching a hotel, to get halfway to Munchen. The next morning we were "fresh” and shining and ready to go. Still a 6 hour drive.
Backstage seems to be a cool place, whish that we had something like that in our neighbourhood

Asrai is one of the few gothic bands from the Netherlands with quite a history. They formed back in 1985 and in 1988 they changed their name from “Twins no Twins” in Asrai. At that time Asrai already had a dark melancholic side which is still present on stage today. One of the things that makes this band stand out compared to other gothic bands is their style. And I mean their personal style. The sisters Karin and Margriet have their own way, as well as Rik, their guitarist. And I think that that also adds something to the originality of their music. They are like this, they did not put on a gothic dress, only for their stage act

Although the band has been around for over twelve years they have only recently released their third CD, and of course they played some tracks from the new album. You could have told me that all the songs were from the last one and I would have believed it. I have listened to their albums before but never liked it, though some friends were going and I thought maybe I should give the band a chance. I am glad I went that Sunday evening. They played in the little hall and considering it was a Sunday there was a nice crowd.

Asrai like to call their own music, hot-blooded rock. I have not seen the blooded rock, but I clearly have seen the intense power they have on stage. Not only Margriet the singer but also other band members gave their all. It is quite powerful but at the same time there was this friendly vibe amongst people in the audience but the friendly vibe also came from the band. The interaction with the audience was very nice and they even joked a bit.

Tonight we're playing in Rotterdam again. We spend a lot of musical hours in this area (The Boompjeskade).
Our first musical years we rehearshaled at Stroef and later on we moved to Waterfront.
So let's add some more music to this chapeter with this gig, together with Sin7Sins

Tonight our thoughts are with the ones who couldn't join us...

Tonight we play at Het Paard in Rik's hometown Den Hague, with Deadcell as our supportact. An Industrial/Metal act, with just a diffrent twist.
We're looking forward to it...

Blood swet and....

The next day there was even time for doing a little sightseeing and shopping in Gent, before we were heading to a fully loaded Biebob.

Pale Light
Your Hands So Cold
Deliliah’s Lie
Sour Ground
Stay with me
In Front Of Me

After the show it's picture time

The food back stage is to die for...

The Wave-Gotik Treffen is the world's largest festival for "dark culture" held each spring in Leipzig, Germany. 150+ bands and artists from various backgrounds (Goth, EBM, Industrial, Futurepop, Darkwave, Neofolk, Neoclassical, Noise, Medieval Music, Experimental, Coldwave, etc.) play at several venues throughout the city.

Pale Light
Your Hands So Cold
Stay With Me
Delilah's Lie
In Front Of Me
Sour Ground

WGT is always something special. And even more with in Germany the best Dutch audiance you can get

Baroeg has a special place in our heart, we spend many hours there. Watching some cool bands, spend our hours on the dancefloor... and as a band also on stage.
So when we had the opportunatie to play at the Baroeg Open Air festival 2008 we couldn't resist this one... Let's Party!!

The Dutch gothic rock sensation Asrai was up next. The band is formed in the 1980’s and still going strong. They play shows everywhere in Europe so it is nice to see them here in Rotterdam. Three chicks and two guys on the stage and an audience who was familiar with their music. Their music is melodic, dark and gothic. I was personally positively surprised by their music. I liked the arrangements, because it was not in any second overdone. Stay true to the basic principle is more then enough. Asrai proved that here today.

Heading to the Effenaar on a thursday.
We will join stage with KingFisher Sky.
Backstage we bump in all the time to Theo Maarsen and his bodyguards, who has his try-out show Zonder Pardon..
Loosing track sometimes on the endeless stairs and getting ready to play.

(maar altijd melodieus) weet een band zich verzekerd van een prima podium-presentatie. De gothic outfits van deze lieden zetten de toon van de avond en geven je gelijk het gevoel dat je naar iets heel uitzonderlijks en spannends zit te kijken. Complimenten ook voor de bassist die met zijn hoed en Metal-poses het gevoel van Metal uitstekend weet neer te zetten. Asrai vertegenwoordigt toch wat meer de underground van de gothic Metal en doet dat met verve.

Asrai was attending the sixth edition of
Metal Female Voices Fest.
We're all dressed up, and ready to rock!

Upon entering the venue we saw that quite a crowd had gathered already. Asrai was one of the Dutch acts performing at the festival. Their third album ‘Pearls in Dirt’ was released about a year ago. So who knows what’s cooking….

Music & performance
The sound was not that well, especially at the start of the performance, as if the band was playing a mile away. There was little front light but… the beats were great. Asrai always knows how to get a crowd on the move. Both guitarists are completely in to their guitars, playing them with full passion. Manon was giving her own show behind the keyboards, dancing, playing and singing along. After a few songs the power of Asrai really came to a height. Margriet has a very recognizable sound and that is great.

Your hands so cold
Pale Light
Delilah's lie
Stay with me
In Front of Me
Sour Ground

Beside playing at the festival one of the best things is the nice athmosphere and the change to be close to the fans. With signing session and photoshoots....

We were looking forward to this tour for a long time.
Finally Monday the 1st of December was the kick off of the Darkest Tour, with our label mates Septic Flesh and the legends in their own way: Moonspell, Gorgoroth and Cradle of Filth
Join us by following this link to the
Darkest Tour